Monday, 22 April 2013

Never Ein Schlechter Sonntag in Berlin Part II.

The main highlight of a Sunday in Berlin is, undeniably, undisputably, the fleamarkets (Flohmarkts) in both Mauerpark and the lesser known New Koln Flohmarkt in Kreuzberg - both of which I have now explored. Grab a cup of home-brewed Strawberry wine and battle through the crowds at both and be prepared to haggle for anything, be it doorknobs, plants, vintage blouses, records; the list is endless.

It's a beautiful way to get to know both the locals and a new area, and Mum and I wandered into the most colour corners of Kreuzberg before settling down for a cheesecake and coffee. And before you ask, yes, this day was mostly surrounded by eating. The fleamarkets are a brilliant way of seeing a new side of Berlin as this city never fails to surprise me! Just a few minute's walk from various U Bahn stations, they are normally packed, so be prepared to push.

And finally, if you're not too keen on perhaps crowds or the busier spots of the city, then head to Treptow Park where the Russian Memorial sits, perfectly undisturbed, in the leafy suburbs of east Berlin. Hop on the U Bahn and change, without ease, at Ost Kreuz and the journey will soon take off by itself.

In Treptow Park - hidden, but worth the hide-and-seek.
While the park is accessible only by the S41/42 S Bahns which, due to hefty line work currently, proved a bit of a pain, the sight of families, friends, and what felt like the entire population of Berlin, lounging in the park amongst ping-pong tables, boats, and the tiniest of ice cream stands, it was all well worth the trip. Bring your beer, bring your picnic blankets and bring your favourite book and veg out here for the evening.

With the nights growing longer, you won't be alone in staying here 'til the sun finally sets. Especially with the memorial, and the sight-seeing of east Berlin that the train there entails, this is one tourist trap that traps you not. Sundays may be sparse in shops and sights, perhaps, but there is so much to do. Don your walking shoes and head out, with or without a map; there's a whole city to be discovered.

Evening on the riverbank, perfect.

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