Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Another Goodbye (I Hate Them Still).

This morning we left Jaipur for Delhi, which was disappointing (even after our cookery lesson on the Friday evening) as I would have loved to have stayed longer, but I'm so aware that I can go back now at any time, with a head full of knowledge (i.e. how to hail a Tuck-Tuck driver at an interchange..) and that comforts me. On Monday I am flying home after a few days of credit card failures and overcharging in Delhi on the Sunday, and am happy to return back to my wee village.

But this trip to India will stay with me, this I know (oops, sounds like I'm going into a cheesy pop ballad) and with the hospitality of the people of Sainji, and the great nature of my tour group, I know that I will go back one day. Plus, I have everything south of Rajasthan to feast my eyes on, and God only knows how keen I am to see that. India - thank you for having me.

I wish I could do you justice but I can't write well enough and my vocabulary is just too small to find the words to describe you with the life and excitement that you exude. Now for my next (trick) adventure; on the 19th March I fly to Denmark and then onto Germany, so do keep an eye out for my European, slightly more homebased, adventures!

One last goodbye to India.

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