What's a ghost's favourite dessert?
Ice Scream!
As those of you in the Western World will know, Wednesdaysaw the 3rd biggest Fall holiday fall upon us in Houston - Halloween! To avoid the pre-Halloween madness, Suzanne and I escaped 30 miles out of the city to the NASA Space Centre to get my tourist fill for the week. It's fascinating that something as big and as fundamental to human development happened right on our doorstep here. We took a tram ride around the other buildings, (most notably Mission Control!) and wandered around the theatres inside - seeing films about the Apollo programs, future programs...it was fascinating and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to go! Needless to say, I got some horrendously toursit-y photos of me in front of the various things, such is my Gap Year, including the
Saturn V rocket which was huge. So much bigger than I could have imagined. It was 364ft tall/long, and just brilliant.
It's a fair drive from the city and has limited eating facilities, but it's a very interactive museum and perfect for families. Aim to go on a weekday to avoid the weekend rush or else Houston might have a problem..
Driving through Downtown - so lovely to come over the Freeway to this view. |
60s Mission Control! |
Me by Saturn V. |
An actual Luna Capsule (ooooooh) |
In a rocket (oooooh) |
Houston, we have a problem. |
We returned home to the boys and Halloween. The neighbourhood closes the street and hosts a huge Halloween party every year, complete with exceedingly cute children and more pizza than you can shake a plastic fairy wand at. I opted for a very basic costume to match my name - a cat, and Meg recycled an Angry Birds costume to be just that - an Angry Bird. The kids' costumes varied from a Ninja, to a Union Jack morphsuit (a tribute to me apparently!), to Chuck Norris (who I think wins the prize for most original...). The party itself gave me a great opportunity to meet more of the neighbourhood and mingle with more of Meg's friends, which I really enjoyed.
I returned home (not dragging my nice fluffy black tail behind me but swishing it with happiness) to greet trick-or-treaters with our basket of candy, and I can safely say that I was living out 18 years of not celebrating Halloween in one evening. The kids (there were so many of them) all looked so cute - with my metaphorical prizes for best costume going to a child dressed as Harry Potter, a girl dressed as a Tourist - complete with Hawaiian shirt and camera around her neck, and a boy carrying two buckets for candy - one labelled Romney and the other Obama. Needless to say that being in Texas, the Romney bucket was three times as full as the Obama one...I wonder if this'll reflect in the Election.
The Election's come around so quickly and has been dominating the news recently as much as Sandy's destruction. We were lucky enough to be tucked up safely in Texas watching as the storm hit NYC, New Jersey and the other states up North. I hope you're all safe up there, I was astonished that for once the hurricane missed the Gulf Coast completely - we were very lucky. Today I went to the school's Field Day to help with Kindergarten, and following that ended up here. I'm about to go to the Library then cycle home again - it's the little things that make this so much fun.
Oh, America. |
Only on the Gulf Coast can you have Halloween in 26 degree evening heat. |
Meg and I (so cringe and so unoriginal being a cat but oh well) |
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