Sunday, 28 October 2012

Culture Divine Darling.

After a quiet week or two, the past two days have been a total contrast. Friday saw the long awaited Farm Concert for which the youngest wore his home-made owl costume. Every child had dressed up, be it as a cow, a sheep (there were lots of cotton wool sheep...), a cat, there was even a lion. And yes, there are obviously lions on farms.

The Kindergarten classes came together and sung farm-related songs for half an hour, before returning to class for an early dismissal. Amongst verses of, 'Take Me Out to The Barnyard' and 'Old Macdonald', the children acted, danced and had a brilliant time. It was a great experience, and very, very cute. Plus the owl costume went down a treat! Hopefully it will be used for years to come....if the paper bag survives it.

The weather has taken a turn for the chillier here, can you believe it? Only on Tuesday was I nursing a slight sunburn after the standard 28 degree heat. I have heard that it's chilly at home too (snow in October?) but here we are, in Houston, wearing jackets, sweaters and tights! I only packed for summer temperatures! I'm doomed! The cool has been a welcome change though I have been told that it normally heats up around Halloween so we're expecting a warm patch. Maybe it's the Hurricane's influence (oh Sandy) but for once it seems to have bypassed the Gulf Coast and headed straight for the North - I hope it doesn't cause too much disruption in NYC.

With the cold weather came another welcome surprise - courtesy of a friend, Dave took me to the opening night of, 'An Italian Girl in Algeris' at Houston Grand Opera on Friday night. I donned my best dress, shoes and jacket and headed Downtown to the Theater District, and it was just the most amazing experience. I have nothing to compare it to, having not been to the Opera in England, but it was brilliant. We were incredibly fortunate and had fantastic seats, 'Founders seats' in a box!! In my $24 dress, I didn't feel like I fitted in well with the lawyers and bankers donned in ball gowns, diamonds and fur, but I was able to talk to new people about travelling, the oil business in Houston, other important was an incredibly experience to say the least! I'll be gracing the Opera when I go home, if I save my pennies. Below are some photos from the Opera itself.

Inside the Opera.
Dave and I in the box!
Inside the Foyer.

And the exterior! Putting the 'grand' in Houston Grand Opera.

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